Conditional Panes
An example of how to handle conditional panes.
Here's a high-level structure of the example above:
<script lang="ts">
import { PaneGroup, Pane, PaneResizer } from "paneforge";
let showPaneOne = true;
let showPaneThree = true;
<button variant="outline" on:click={() => (showPaneOne = !showPaneOne)}>
{showPaneOne ? "Hide" : "Show"} Pane One
<button variant="outline" on:click={() => (showPaneThree = !showPaneThree)}>
{showPaneThree ? "Hide" : "Show"} Pane Three
<PaneGroup direction="horizontal">
{#if showPaneOne}
<Pane defaultSize={1 / 3} order={1} />
<PaneResizer />
<Pane defaultSize={1 / 3} order={2} />
{#if showPaneThree}
<PaneResizer />
<Pane defaultSize={1 / 3} order={3} />